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Keep in mind that these prices are for next year and you can still utilize the 2016 prices which are listed HERE.
2017 Disney Military Pricing (via
Walt Disney World is now offering 5-day park tickets; in 2016, only 4-day tickets were available so you now have (2) options to choose from:
- 4-day Military Promotional Tickets with Park Hopper option = $209 each (plus tax)
- 5-day Military Promotional Tickets with Park Hopper option = $224 each (plus tax)
- 4-day Military Promotional Tickets with Park Hopper and Water Parks Fun and More options = $246 each (plus tax)
- 5-day Military Promotional Tickets with Park Hopper and Water Parks Fun and More options = $261 each (plus tax)
The current 2016 deals expire after the 19th of September and the 2017 rates go into effect Jan 3rd also going through Dec 19th of 2017.
Disneyland who previously offered a 3 day Park Hopper option for 2016 has added a (4) day Park hopper option to their 2017 line up that is $181. You can still purchase a (3) day Park Hopper though for $156.
Steve Bell is the KING of all things Disney and Military and shares some more indepth information on the Disney military promo HERE.