Newton Running Shoes Military Discount

Newton Running is grateful for the selfless service by members of the United States military, as well as our firefighters and police officers. In thanks, they offer discounts and promotions for members of all branches of the United States military, state and local police and fire departments, and their families.

Simple Tire Military Discount

Simple Tire is proud of our U.S. military and are happy to announce this offer for an additional discount on tires. If you’re active, retired, or veteran military and looking for tires, take a look at what Simple Tire has to offer. The Simple Tire Military Discount is 5% off …

Stationery Xpress Military Discount / APO Shipping

StationeryXpress is proud to offer current and former United States Military a 10% discount for our Personalized and Embossed Stationery products. Once you have created an account please contact  or email them with verification of your service (Social Security # NOT needed) and they will place you on their “Military …

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